Thursday, April 20, 2017

An Update


Hey guys! It's been along time since I posted something. As some of you may know I recently purchased a pair of Google glasses. Please read on:

Some of you probably thinking why?! What?! How could you afford it? Well… Let's just say that I got it for a very very good price, and I got it off of eBay. It was practically brand-new. I don't know why I do these things, but you can blame it on my dad. LOL. He got me started on these types of things. But seriously… I just got this because I like technology and when this came out several years ago I was really interested in them and I thought they were cool but they cost about $2000. It's really weird, because I've gotten several good reactions, and sometimes I just get looks. But I honestly don't care

The main reason I got these is because I wanted to help so that I could take pictures and record video of good quality to send to friends and family... to show them the many things that are going on in my life and also to record life's most precious moments without having to pull out my phone and all that. Yes… It may seem kind of strange to have a piece of technology strapped to my face, but it's honestly really nice. But one of the things that most people are concerned with or one of the things that bugs tons of people is that they think that they are constantly being recorded. But that's not true the Google glass cannot stay on for that long if you were to record a video constantly then you would kill the battery in half of an hour. 

Also… One of my concerns before I got this was that I thought I might be distracted all the time constantly looking up at it and look more at the screen/HUD more than I would look around me and see the real world. Surprisingly that's not the case for me. It's actually really nice, but some of the things I don't use… i.e. searching the Internet and going to websites and watching YouTube videos and playing games. Yes you can do that ;). 

I just use it occasionally, and unlike what some people think I don't wear them to "impress" people, or just show them off and make people think I'm cool or anything like that. If they think that then that's fine, I really don't care. I just got them because I like to use them for recording videos and taking pictures… Like I said.

So for those of you who are interested. I am/have set up a Facebook page that allows me to automatically send any pictures that I take with my google glass to my Facebook page. If you would like to see this/follow my Facebook page, then go to Facebook and under the pages section, search for "a day in the life of Cristian Mendoza". Thanks you guys! And if you've made it this far and read this all the way, when you're really great friend. LOL just kidding.


Cristian Mendoza 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Grandpa Joe (2/6/1938 - 1/13/17)

Hello everyone... today I (and my family) lost someone very dear and special to us. It was my grandpa Joe. I am glad he is at peace and he isn't feeling any more pain, but he was the strongest man I know. I'm glad I went to see him a lot while he was in good shape and also when he was in the hospital. We've spent so much time together and made some memories like going to the zoo, fishing, camping, building model cars together, and the list goes on and on. 

I still remember all the fun I used to have at papa's old house.. how I'd visit with him and how family would always come over and have fun doing things together during Christmas, Easter, etc. 


I'm going to miss you papa, but I can't wait to see you again one day. I'm going to make you proud and get my Engineering Degree and make a good life for myself and my future family. I wish you could've met my girlfriend Aubree, but I know you'll meet her one day. 


I love you papa... we all do... SO much, and I thank God for blessing me with the 18+ years that I got to spend with you. You're the best grandpa anyone could ask for. 


February 6th, 1938 to...


January 13th, 2017

Monday, November 21, 2016

Aubree's Sweet 16 (11-21-2016)

Hello everyone! Today is the day! It's my beautiful and wonderful girlfriend's (Aubree's) 16th birthday!!!


So.... today started off at 2:45 PM. We met at the Met Cinema in Oakhurst, to watch Dr. Strange. 


And yes..... I'm the type of blogger who literally takes pictures of EVERYTHING. So...anyways... here's the theater:

Selfie time before the movie! 


Here's a selfie of Me and my girl!!


So after the movie was over, which by the way was awesome, we went to Round Table Pizza. We are, and then we played some games. Kyra won them all. Lol. 

Next, it was time for the cake! Isn't it nice?


Happy birthday sweetie! We're all SO very proud of you!!


Here's a video. I hope it works. 

So... yeah. It was great. Next, Aubree opened her gifts, and she opens mine second, and then my moms. Here are the pictures. I think she liked the card the best. 


My moms:


Lastly, we all signed/wrote a note on her birthday board. She liked it a lot!


Here's Laney and Amberlee having fun with Kris' hair. Lol. 


I hope you all enjoed this post!! God bless, and see you all soon!

Aubree... you are the best gift of all, and I love you with all my heart!! 

It's now 10:00 PM, and Aubree is officially 16!!! Yay!

Sincerely. Your dear friend and brother in Christ,

Cristian Mendoza

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Surprising Aubree

     So... today, November 20th, 2016, Aubree had a concert with the Oakhurst Community Band, and I told her that I wasn't going to make it. For those of you who didn't know, I have been at California Baptist University since September 6th of this year, so it has been hard for me (not being able to see Aubree and all).

     Here's the deal... I told Aubree a while back that I was going on thanksgiving break on the 23rd of November when it was actually on the 19th. So... I decided that I wanted to surprise her when she least expected it... at the concert. So months went by, and the days flew by too until it was finally the 19th! My mom came to pick me up, and she brought me home that day. When we got home, my cat, Percy, was confused, and it took him a while to figure it out, but he loves me again now. LOL.

     The next day (20th), came by and I was throat hurt, and my nose was stuffy... go figure. So... I obviously got her gifts for her birthday, but I also got her a rose arrangement (red roses are her favorite flower). Here's what they look like...aren't they gorgeous??!!

     So anyways... that's it for the gifts. So later on that day (my friend Laney and I had it all planned out), Laney took Aubree by fellowship hall after her rehearsal for the concert, and she told her that she had a surprise to show her. Then she told her to close her eyes. She turned her around and told her to open her eyes. After a second, her eyes focused on me, and her jaw dropped because she was so happy to see me. So she ran into my arms and we hugged for a minute. She was so happy! I just love her so much! Here is a picture that I took after the concert was over. She really loves the flowers that I got her.

Here is a picture of her and I (below).

Here is a picture of her and my friend Laney (for those of you who know Kris Hawkins, this is his girlfriend) [below].

     So anyways... this was a great day for both Aubree and me, and she was REALLY happy. I love you Aubree! You're the BEST girlfriend that ANY guy could ask for! Thank you for waiting for me, and I hope you know that I think that you are worth the wait. I'm grateful to God for you, and I can't wait for your birthday tomorrow; it's going to be SO much fun!

P.S. Yes... There will be another post tomorrow, so stay tuned...

I hope you enjoyed this post! God bless, and see y'all tomorrow!

Sincerely. Your Dear Friend and Brother in Christ,

Cristian Mendoza

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Saturday Afternoon Munchies (Post 1 - 10/22/16)

So... today is the first day of eating out on Saturday's. Today, my friend Robbie and I ate out. We decided to eat at Blaze Pizza here in Riverside. 

Getting ready to board the bus. 

First off, I LOVE how they actually let you SEE the toppings that are going on your pizza. 

In the oven it goes! 

Look at this pizza! It's SOO good. It tasted good, had a phenomenal crust, and above all, it was only a little over $8!!!! How great is that. I'd rather spend that than $20+ at Pizza Factory. Sorry. I would. 

I hope you enjoyed this post! See you all soon! 

Sincerely. Your Friend,
Cristian Mendoza

Monday, October 10, 2016

S.T.E.P. Event at Bourns Inc. (10/6/16)

Hello everyone! This post is about the S.T.E.P. event that I went to with my engineering team. We built a 3D printed robot (only the bicep), and we were there to demonstrate it to students, and to encourage them to become engineers.

Here we are on our way to Bourns Inc.

We are here! There were TONS of great exhibits. Scroll to the bottom to check out a video of a NAO robot that we will be using in the future for engineering.

here is the forearm and hand of the rest of the right side of the robot's arm.

Trying to get the bicep to cooperate, but the pieces broke that were connected to a servo.

Heres our bicep. Lol.

Some of CBU's other 3D printed objects. I like this plane motor system made of wood and 3D-Printed parts.

The kids loved our stuff. Pretty cool!

Look at all of these kids, and there were WAY more than this throughout the whole building.

One of CBU's teas used the NAO T14 model to demonstrate the power of robotics in engineering.

This guy knows his stuff! Great job!

Well... I hope you all enjoyed this post! Talk to you all soon, and God bless!

Sincerely. Your Friend,

Cristian Mendoza

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Volunteering At Calvary Presbyterian Church

Hey guys! It's Saturday, October 1st, and today, my FOCUS group at CBU got to go and help clean at a local church in Riverside. 

It's kind of an old fashioned looking church. It's cool!!

It's a really cool church inside and out. 

Here is something terrible. It was funny for 2 seconds, but then it wasn't. So... one of my friends, Scott, said as we were going down stairs that it was the "stairway to hell" because it was a narrow stairway. Then two seconds after he said that, we heard a strange scraping noise. But it was just someone opening a sliding door. Lol. Anyways... we cleaned shelves infested with spiders and other bugs. Then we cleaned tables and chairs. 

We also had to wash windows. But that made me sad, because Aubree's dad owns a window washing business, and that just reminded me even more about her. I miss her SOO much!
I love you Aubree!!

Thanks for reading my post! God bless! See you all again soon! Lol. 


Cristian Mendoza