Monday, October 10, 2016

S.T.E.P. Event at Bourns Inc. (10/6/16)

Hello everyone! This post is about the S.T.E.P. event that I went to with my engineering team. We built a 3D printed robot (only the bicep), and we were there to demonstrate it to students, and to encourage them to become engineers.

Here we are on our way to Bourns Inc.

We are here! There were TONS of great exhibits. Scroll to the bottom to check out a video of a NAO robot that we will be using in the future for engineering.

here is the forearm and hand of the rest of the right side of the robot's arm.

Trying to get the bicep to cooperate, but the pieces broke that were connected to a servo.

Heres our bicep. Lol.

Some of CBU's other 3D printed objects. I like this plane motor system made of wood and 3D-Printed parts.

The kids loved our stuff. Pretty cool!

Look at all of these kids, and there were WAY more than this throughout the whole building.

One of CBU's teas used the NAO T14 model to demonstrate the power of robotics in engineering.

This guy knows his stuff! Great job!

Well... I hope you all enjoyed this post! Talk to you all soon, and God bless!

Sincerely. Your Friend,

Cristian Mendoza

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