Thursday, April 20, 2017

An Update


Hey guys! It's been along time since I posted something. As some of you may know I recently purchased a pair of Google glasses. Please read on:

Some of you probably thinking why?! What?! How could you afford it? Well… Let's just say that I got it for a very very good price, and I got it off of eBay. It was practically brand-new. I don't know why I do these things, but you can blame it on my dad. LOL. He got me started on these types of things. But seriously… I just got this because I like technology and when this came out several years ago I was really interested in them and I thought they were cool but they cost about $2000. It's really weird, because I've gotten several good reactions, and sometimes I just get looks. But I honestly don't care

The main reason I got these is because I wanted to help so that I could take pictures and record video of good quality to send to friends and family... to show them the many things that are going on in my life and also to record life's most precious moments without having to pull out my phone and all that. Yes… It may seem kind of strange to have a piece of technology strapped to my face, but it's honestly really nice. But one of the things that most people are concerned with or one of the things that bugs tons of people is that they think that they are constantly being recorded. But that's not true the Google glass cannot stay on for that long if you were to record a video constantly then you would kill the battery in half of an hour. 

Also… One of my concerns before I got this was that I thought I might be distracted all the time constantly looking up at it and look more at the screen/HUD more than I would look around me and see the real world. Surprisingly that's not the case for me. It's actually really nice, but some of the things I don't use… i.e. searching the Internet and going to websites and watching YouTube videos and playing games. Yes you can do that ;). 

I just use it occasionally, and unlike what some people think I don't wear them to "impress" people, or just show them off and make people think I'm cool or anything like that. If they think that then that's fine, I really don't care. I just got them because I like to use them for recording videos and taking pictures… Like I said.

So for those of you who are interested. I am/have set up a Facebook page that allows me to automatically send any pictures that I take with my google glass to my Facebook page. If you would like to see this/follow my Facebook page, then go to Facebook and under the pages section, search for "a day in the life of Cristian Mendoza". Thanks you guys! And if you've made it this far and read this all the way, when you're really great friend. LOL just kidding.


Cristian Mendoza 

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