Sunday, October 2, 2016

Volunteering At Calvary Presbyterian Church

Hey guys! It's Saturday, October 1st, and today, my FOCUS group at CBU got to go and help clean at a local church in Riverside. 

It's kind of an old fashioned looking church. It's cool!!

It's a really cool church inside and out. 

Here is something terrible. It was funny for 2 seconds, but then it wasn't. So... one of my friends, Scott, said as we were going down stairs that it was the "stairway to hell" because it was a narrow stairway. Then two seconds after he said that, we heard a strange scraping noise. But it was just someone opening a sliding door. Lol. Anyways... we cleaned shelves infested with spiders and other bugs. Then we cleaned tables and chairs. 

We also had to wash windows. But that made me sad, because Aubree's dad owns a window washing business, and that just reminded me even more about her. I miss her SOO much!
I love you Aubree!!

Thanks for reading my post! God bless! See you all again soon! Lol. 


Cristian Mendoza


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