Sunday, November 20, 2016

Surprising Aubree

     So... today, November 20th, 2016, Aubree had a concert with the Oakhurst Community Band, and I told her that I wasn't going to make it. For those of you who didn't know, I have been at California Baptist University since September 6th of this year, so it has been hard for me (not being able to see Aubree and all).

     Here's the deal... I told Aubree a while back that I was going on thanksgiving break on the 23rd of November when it was actually on the 19th. So... I decided that I wanted to surprise her when she least expected it... at the concert. So months went by, and the days flew by too until it was finally the 19th! My mom came to pick me up, and she brought me home that day. When we got home, my cat, Percy, was confused, and it took him a while to figure it out, but he loves me again now. LOL.

     The next day (20th), came by and I was throat hurt, and my nose was stuffy... go figure. So... I obviously got her gifts for her birthday, but I also got her a rose arrangement (red roses are her favorite flower). Here's what they look like...aren't they gorgeous??!!

     So anyways... that's it for the gifts. So later on that day (my friend Laney and I had it all planned out), Laney took Aubree by fellowship hall after her rehearsal for the concert, and she told her that she had a surprise to show her. Then she told her to close her eyes. She turned her around and told her to open her eyes. After a second, her eyes focused on me, and her jaw dropped because she was so happy to see me. So she ran into my arms and we hugged for a minute. She was so happy! I just love her so much! Here is a picture that I took after the concert was over. She really loves the flowers that I got her.

Here is a picture of her and I (below).

Here is a picture of her and my friend Laney (for those of you who know Kris Hawkins, this is his girlfriend) [below].

     So anyways... this was a great day for both Aubree and me, and she was REALLY happy. I love you Aubree! You're the BEST girlfriend that ANY guy could ask for! Thank you for waiting for me, and I hope you know that I think that you are worth the wait. I'm grateful to God for you, and I can't wait for your birthday tomorrow; it's going to be SO much fun!

P.S. Yes... There will be another post tomorrow, so stay tuned...

I hope you enjoyed this post! God bless, and see y'all tomorrow!

Sincerely. Your Dear Friend and Brother in Christ,

Cristian Mendoza

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