Sunday, December 27, 2015

My Last (Full) Day To Visit With Logan (12/26/15)

Today is my last full day with the little monster Logan. 

He woke me up this morning!

Logan went and sat on Matt's head. Lol

Strange boy. 

He's got a box on his head. Lol

He's wearing my moms snow boots!

"The Flash" running around and watching "How To Train Your Dragon 2" 

I got a "Twix" Frappuccino from Starbucks (secret menu). If you'd like the recipe, then ask me in the comments. 

I didn't take any more pictures, because I was distracted with Logan. 

I hope you enjoyed his post! God bless!

Sincerely. Your Dear Friend & Brother In Christ, 

Cristian Mendoza

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