Thursday, December 24, 2015

Logan Is Here!! (12/23/15)

Logan has arrived!! Yay!

Logan trying to get Matt's attention

He's so hyper!

He's pouting because he couldn't find my old container with Hot Wheels. 

Yay! We found them!! Lol

Logan is not really interested in the pizza. 

He's trying to get me to play with him. 

Look at all those Hot Wheels! Lol

Logan playing with uncle Matt. 

That's an interesting face you've got there Logan. Don't chew on the ladder though. 

Logan likes the fire. 

These shoes are too big for him. 

Nice hat!

Logan dat on Christopher's back. 

Playing with Matt. 

Percy is NOT happy. 

He hates company. Well.. Family members. Look at that face!! He's disgusted. 

Silly boy. 

Getting ready for bed!

See you all tomorrow!!

Sincerely. Your Friend,

Cristian Mendoza

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