Sunday, January 17, 2016

Make your hands SUPER soft and smooth!

Hey there y'all! Today I'm going to be showing you something really nifty that I found online. You'll make your hands softer and smoother almost instantly, and you can still feel it hours and hours after you do this. It really works, and I do it in the morning and at night, but you can do it whenever you want. Lol. 

You'll need:

Granulated sugar

Extra virgin olive oil (you MIGHT be able to use baby oil. Not sure though...). 

Get a small bowl. 

Something to mix the ingredients with. 

Add 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. 

Add 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil (or you could try baby oil if you want). 


Put some on your hands and rub. (Some people say in circular motions). Rub it on your skin for about 30 seconds. Wait another 30 seconds.  

Then rinse your hands under warm water. NOT hot water. Then "pat" your hands dry. Don't dry them like you used to. Lol. 

You will notice a difference right away! The granulated sugar is gritty and removes the dead skin cells off of your hands. The oil makes your skin smooth and soft. 


Sincerely. Your Dear Friend & Brother In Christ,

Cristian Mendoza (The Trumpeter)

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