Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I'm back!!

Hey there everyone! I apologize for not creating a post any sooner, but I've been so busy! 

Anyways... To start... Here is Percy sleeping on my lap. 

Here is my adorable little nephew Logan!

Here is Mr. Nosy-britches!

The YHS pep band went to the basketball games to spread their badger pride. But I'm sorry to say... Kris, Laney, and I were spreading our "Gryphon" spirit. 

AP Physics is going well... We're currently in circular motion. Fun stuff!

Here is my teams' R.O.V.  It's turning out great!

Here is Laney's "scarf man." Lol. 

Try not to laugh at this next picture

Hey! I finally got a picture of Chloe!

Sleepy little boy.......

And last, but definitely not least, I would like you all to meet someone very special and dear to me; my best friend, Aubree. 
We've been best friends for a while now, and I really like her. My face looks strange in this picture. Kind of fat looking. It's embarrassing. But Aubree looks beautiful. Doesn't she? Anyways...

More posts to come! See you all later!

God bless you all! 

Sincerely. Your Dear Friend & Brother In Christ,

Cristian Mendoza

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