Sunday, October 25, 2015

Logan Has Left The Building (10/25/15).

Today is the day that Logan has to go home. Thankfully he won't have to leave until 4:00 PM. 

Logan was typing my "essay" for me. He's goofy. 

Logan eating lunch with us all. We all had chicken and/or salmon, veggies, and rice! Thanks mom! Yum!

Before they left, we played some bowling and baseball on the Wii. 

Logan was mesmerized by the game. :) 

Little driver! Getting ready to leave. 

They're leaving. I think I'm going to cry because I miss them so much. It was good to visit with you Chris, Payge, Matt, and Logan!! I love you guys! 

But I am happy because I get to see you on Christmas!! God bless you guys! 

I hope you enjoyed the pictures 

Sincerely. Your Dear Friend and Brother In Christ,

Cristian Mendoza (The Trumpeter)

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