Saturday, October 24, 2015

Logan Arrives At My House For Visit (10/23/15)

So today my nephew Logan is coming over to my house because we're going to be celebrating his birthday at my aunts house on Saturday. 

Here they come. Sorry it's so blurry. This is my brother Christopher (Chris), who is also Logan's daddy. 

Here is my other brother Matthew (my mom calls him Mooch) with Logan. 

Matt with Logan. So cute! He's already starting to talk. 

Logan, his crib, and his toys. 

Logan playing with some old hot wheels cars that I totally forgot that I even owned. 

Logan's mommy Payge

Payge trying on Logan's hat. 

Chris putting on Logan's PJ's

Logan and I hanging out together. 

Logan opening his gold fish. 


Logan trying on his hat. He looks like a lantern :) 


Percy doesn't like visitors. It's like he's  saying "You shall not pass!" He's hissing at everyone. He's a stubborn cat. 

I hope you enjoyed these pictures.

Sincerely. Your Friend and Brother In Christ,

Cristian Mendoza (The Trumpeter).  

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