Saturday, October 24, 2015

Logan's 2nd Birthday Party (10/24/15).

Today were celebrating my nephew Logan's 2nd Birthday

Grandma (my mom) and Logan!

Sleepy heads!

Logan loves doughnuts. 

And captain crunch!

Logan is "The Flash" (a speedster). 

Look at that face! :o

Logan playing with his little duckies. 

Percy was not a very good cat today. He was hissing at everyone, and was being obnoxious. So I had to put him in a time out. 

Saying good bye to Logan as we are getting ready to leave to the party. 

We've arrived... And Logan is anxious to to go in. 

Knock knock!!

Look at his cake that my aunt Leslie made. So cute!

Logan playing with a motorcycle. 

The "props".

Logan the firefighter. He's not joining Cal Fire. 

Playing in the back yard. 

Joey really likes Logan. 

More pictures. 

Opening his "dog" guitar. 

Paw patrol toys!

More toys. 

Logan's backpack filled with goodies. 

Opening his toys. 

Singing happy birthday!

Isn't he so happy?! I love Logan. 

Look at that face! He's saying "Give me the cake!!!"

Joey with his mask. He cut a hole in it to eat out of. 

How pleasant! (Sarcasm included). 


Logan saying his goodbyes to everyone. 

It was an awesome party! Logan enjoyed himself and had a lot of fun! I love you Logan!!

Sincerely. Your Dear Friend and Brother In Christ,

Cristian Mendoza (The Trumpeter)

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