Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My First Home Made Frappé! (And the recipe for how to make it).

Hello everyone!! Today I felt like making a frappé and I didn't want to waste $5-$6 on one from Starbucks. So here it goes 

You'll need a blender...

1 cup of ice cubes (what you can do is take a tray, fill as many as you can with the one cup of water, and thus, you'll find out how many you'll need. But you might want to add one more ice cube)...

⅓ of a cup of expresso. Or strongly brewed coffee. (I just used more than ⅓ of a cup of coffee. But NOT quite ⅔ of a cup of coffee)...

Add the ice and coffee to the blender...

There goes the coffee!

Then use the SAME amount of milk as you did coffee/expresso. (So more than ⅓ of a cup but less than ⅔ of a cup)...

Then add 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar (NOT Powdered!)...

Then add 2 tablespoons of chocolate syrup (ANY kind works)...

You should get something like this! Now you need to blend it! I'm using the "pulse" button to blend this, and I have mine set to the purée setting. But you can do whatever your blender allows you. 

There it goes!

Blend it to the desired consistency, and STIR & MIX. 

Then pour!!

I used a Starbucks cup to add to the "effect" I'm definitely going to make these during college!! Enjoy! 

Sincerely. Your Dear Friend & Brother In Christ, 

Cristian Mendoza (The Trumpeter)

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