Sunday, September 20, 2015

My Mom's 50'th Birthday Party Celebration (9/19/15)

My moms birthday party was on the 18'th, but we celebrated it at my Aunt Leslie's House on the 19'th. It was fun!

This was on the door when we walked up to the house. 
(By the way my mom LOVES Abbott & Costello, Shirley Temple, The Three Stooges, and I Love Lucy. AND Winnie The Pooh). 
By the way... Did you know that Winnie The Pooh is a real bear? Check out the book! It's a cute and true story!

Kitchen table. Cool!

Nice display by my aunt Cathy!

Gifts! Sorry the pictures are so dark. 

My (first) cousin (once removed) has a fancy room with TONS of Disney dolls!

My cousin Shari's dog Penelope. 

She got a new dog my too! I forgot his name.  Bummer.  But isn't he a CUTIE?!

Gift opening

My aunt painted this! Isn't it pretty?

I got these!! I feel like a millionaire. Lol. 

Anyways. God bless. And happy birthday mom!! 


The Trumpeter

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