Saturday, April 16, 2016

Surprise!!! (4/16/16)

Today, something happened that I TOTALLY was not expecting. So... Next week is my birthday... Keep this in mind. 

Today, I went to my dads work to weed whack so that I could earn $20. I did, and then I went home, showered, and waited for my mom to pick me up; we were going to the Cool Bean Café to get a drink and do some college stuff. But when we got out of the car, I thought I saw Mrs. Walle in the window, and sure enough, it was her. What a coincidence!! 

Then, I turned and saw my dad outside with his video camera. Then I was like, "Wait a minute?!" Then I focused more on the people outside, and I saw my friends: Aubree, Kris (Kayla Came later), Laney, Emily, and my Aunt Leslie and Uncle Richard. I was shocked. Or... Surprised you could say. LOL. They all had little plastic trumpet party whistles. How cool is that?! 

We had pizza, and cupcakes. I was the "treble maker" LOL. Thanks for the cake Aunt Leslie! I love it!! 

Here is Emily. Lol. 

Marching band may or may not make you crazy. Just saying...

Here we go with the frosting again. 

Here is my awesome cake!

Side view!

Here is the "Birthday Boy". Lol

For those of you who have not met my BEST friend, her name is Aubree, and she is SO special to me! Isn't she so beautiful? Look at that smile! 

Oh boy. We all have mustaches. Lol. 

Thank you ALL for such for a wonderful day. I'll never forget this! I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends as you!! God bless you all! 

Sincerely. Your Dear Friend & Brother in Christ,

Cristian Mendoza

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