Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Spring Tour 2016 (4/21/16 – 4/24/16)

Hello! Today (4/21/16) is the first day of Spring Tour for the YHS Band!!

We're all ready for the dogs to inspect our luggage!

Kyra got wrapped up for her birthday, and didn't quite like it. Lol. 

It turned out that there weren't going to be any dogs showing up, so we boarded the bus, and left. 

On the bus, I got to sit with Aubree. It was fun! On another note... Aubree and I took this picture when I told her all of my feelings for her, and I told her that I love her. She said that she loved me too! This is the best day of my life guys, and i cant wait to see what God has in store for the two of us!

When we got to Santa Paula High School, we went to the band room. This was Mr. Marquez's old high school. He was so little! Look at him!

Here is Aubree and I together at the high school. 

Here is a picture of the holder for the cards given to the guys in my room. They spelt my name ENTIRELY wrong! 

Here is the hotel from the 10th floor. Woohoo! The Embassy Suites! 

The elevators. Fun!

Another view

They had a waterfall! And fish!!

They're so cool! 


Here was my ticket for Disneyland!!

Yay! April 22nd! Happy birthday to me! 

We were in the Indiana Jones line for a while, so Aubree and I took a picture. 

We got stuck on the ride (Indiana Jones) so I took this. Because of this wait, we got to go on the ride again! ALL the way through! How cool is that?

The haunted mansion was also pretty fun! 

There was a cute duck in the park too!

It had little chicks!! They were SOO adorable!!

This ride was fun!!

It got dark pretty quick!

We went on more rides than this, but hey! I beat Aubree during our last game on the Buzz light year blaster ride. Lol

Oh! And Aubree got me a new pin too! It's a golden cross with a treble clef! How sweet is that?

Laney showing off the cool Minnie's. Lol

I got this little Simba for Logan!

Tonight, on the way to the hotel, Aubree an I shared our very first kiss, and may i say that it is the best thing that has ever happened to me... I've NEVER kissed a girl before, and Aubree has never kissed a guy before. So this was the most special memory for the two of us, and we'll never forget it... ever...


A fish-eye view of everything in the eating area of the hotel

Group picture!

After we all went swimming at the hotel, we went to a mall area near by "The outlets" and went shopping in groups. Kris, Laney, Calissa, Aubree, and I were in a group. The ladies tried on dresses that Kris and I picked out.  

Isn't Aubree SO gorgeous? 

Here I am with the most beautiful young lady in the world!

The ladies decided to do the same thing for Kris and I. How cool is that? I accidentally picked out slim fit dress pants. Sorry if my legs look like toothpicks. 

Another set of clothes. Aubree loves this picture of us. 

When we got back to the hotel, we took our daily picture together. 

The picture of all of the lovely couples. How great is that?


Today we're going to a science center, and we went to a beautiful rose garden! This was the most perfect place for Aubree and I. Hey, look! Wed woses!

A wed wose!

The water droplets make them look even more beautiful!

They're so beautiful!

Aubree and I agree that this is like the MOST perfect rose ever!! Right?!

A yellow wose!!

A whole gawden of wed woses!!

I like this one too. It's SO bright! And. Beautiful! 

I used my microscopic lens to take a picture of the inside/middle of that same rose! How cool is that?!

We then went to the actual science center, but I didn't take pictures because I had to record video on a GoPro for someone. Fun!

Look at my face! XD lol. 

We are at the Hard Rock Cafe! Here are our "tips" for the waiter and waitress that helped us. 

They had a saxophone chandelier!! How cool is this?! Aubree and Kris want one!

Aubree and I shared a strawberry-mango smoothie thing-a-ma-jig. It was GOOOOOD!!

We all tried on beach clothes. Lol

I love this picture of Aubree and I too! 

We went home from there. It was a long four days, but I had a great time spending it with my best friends! I'll never forget it, and I'll always treasure it!!!

I want you all to know that this day is the most exciting and most important day of my life, because I have finally found the love of my life (Aubree Nichole Walle),  whom I am looking forward to spending a long life with. Thank you for being you Aubree, and I love you with ALL of my heart! NO one and NOTHING can EVER change that..... Ladies.... i'm sorry..... but i'm taken (FOREVER), and I don't want that to ever change, because my girlfriend Aubree is perfect in my eyes, and has become a huge part of me.

I hope you all enjoyed this post! God bless!

Sincerely. Your Dear Friend and Brother in Christ,

Cristian Mendoza

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Surprise!!! (4/16/16)

Today, something happened that I TOTALLY was not expecting. So... Next week is my birthday... Keep this in mind. 

Today, I went to my dads work to weed whack so that I could earn $20. I did, and then I went home, showered, and waited for my mom to pick me up; we were going to the Cool Bean CafĂ© to get a drink and do some college stuff. But when we got out of the car, I thought I saw Mrs. Walle in the window, and sure enough, it was her. What a coincidence!! 

Then, I turned and saw my dad outside with his video camera. Then I was like, "Wait a minute?!" Then I focused more on the people outside, and I saw my friends: Aubree, Kris (Kayla Came later), Laney, Emily, and my Aunt Leslie and Uncle Richard. I was shocked. Or... Surprised you could say. LOL. They all had little plastic trumpet party whistles. How cool is that?! 

We had pizza, and cupcakes. I was the "treble maker" LOL. Thanks for the cake Aunt Leslie! I love it!! 

Here is Emily. Lol. 

Marching band may or may not make you crazy. Just saying...

Here we go with the frosting again. 

Here is my awesome cake!

Side view!

Here is the "Birthday Boy". Lol

For those of you who have not met my BEST friend, her name is Aubree, and she is SO special to me! Isn't she so beautiful? Look at that smile! 

Oh boy. We all have mustaches. Lol. 

Thank you ALL for such for a wonderful day. I'll never forget this! I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends as you!! God bless you all! 

Sincerely. Your Dear Friend & Brother in Christ,

Cristian Mendoza