Thursday, July 16, 2015

My Trip To Monterey [ 7/13/15 - 7/14/15 ]

Hello everyone! Today I just wanted to share with you my vacation that I went on with my parents. It was really fun, and I hope that you enjoy these pictures that I took.

The day started at 5:30 AM, and we were getting ready to go. Percy was hogging my bed.

When we left, Percy was there to say goodbye to us.

And so we left. Here is a short time lapse.


Our cars' battery light came on, but we fixed it (for the most part).
... And so we made it to Monterey by God's grace!

My mom wanted to take these pictures of me.

Anyways... So after we ate lunch, I took some pictures with my new iPhone lenses. I didn't use filters, and i didn't edit them (Just so that you know).

So after lunch, we went to a few shops, and then went to check into our hotel. When we arrived, we saw some beautiful flowers, as well as an... interesting... ground hog. It was destroying the garden!

(Taken with fish-eye lens)

(Taken with Macro lens)

(Taken with macro lens)

(Taken with macro lens)

So when we went inside, my dad got ready, while I had to do more economics homework! Yay!

Afterwards, we decided that we were hungry... So we went to Phil's Fish Market & Eatery. They have the BEST Clam chowder IN THE WORLD!!!! Go there and eat, if you go to Monterey. Its a MUST!

(Edited with Pixelmator)

Clam Chowder... YUM!!

Afterwards, we went to a few grocery stores for some *ahem* "necessities", dropped dad off at the hotel, and then, my mom and I went to cannery row. Its so beautiful in the evenings.

But, you have to admit... the sunset is GORGEOUS!!

Later that evening, my mom and I went to Coldstone!! They have the best ice cream on the planet!!

So the next day came along WAY too fast... When we woke up, we went to Starbucks, and i bought everyone drinks! Then we went to some music stores (for me). Then, we went to Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey (not San Francisco). Its nice there, but there are some STRANGE homeless guys there. And If Mr. Cox, or any of the Ficklings are reading this, then you'll understand what I mean when I say that they are stranger than Joseph. One guy was dressed up as a dinosaur, and had a noise box that made dinosaur sounds. It was creepy. And that was just ONE of them. I won't even get into the others. Anyways... Heres how beautiful Fisherman's Wharf Is...

Before we left to go to our "home sweet home", we noticed a VW beetle that looked JUST like ours. Its also the same model, and all!!

Can you guess which one is ours??
So we are on our way home... But... We ALWAYS stop at Casa De Fruta! If you haven't been there, then you MUST!!

By the way... When I got out of the car, the male (colorful) peacock came towards me. It was pretty (cool). And then the female peacock came up to my mom, and their little babies came up to our feet. They were SO CUTE! That's the closest that they have ever been to me, and vice versa!! There were also some other creatures there. Including a turtle. This big guy was stuck on a rock, and my mom saved him, by moving him a little.

Male Peacock

Female Peacock and the babies

Then It was time to go home. So homeward bound we went!

Later, I was greeted by the most adorable cat ever!! Percy!

He's NOT mad... He just heard something, and his ears moved!

 It was a great trip, and I am grateful to God that he kept my best buddy safe, as well as us safe on the road!! I'm also glad that my friends in Prince Edward Island are having a great time, and I hope that they make it back home safely! Take care! 

God Bless You All!


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