Sunday, May 29, 2016

Kayaking Trip With Aubree & Friends (5/28/16)

Hey everyone! I'm back. Woohoo! A lot of things have occurred lately. I got hired at the pizza factory and I start in June. And I am going to California Baptist University. 

So... Kris' mom, Mrs. Williams invited us to go on a kayaking trip with them on the San Joaquin River. Aubree has NEVER been kayaking, and she REALLY wanted to go. I've been kayaking, and I wanted to go too. 

So Aubree, Me, Kris, Laney, Kayla, Morgan, Mrs. Williams, and her boyfriend Roger, went on the trip. 

Kris is hiding. Yay! We survived our first rapid!!

What a beautiful view!

There's my girl! She had SO much fun! As did the rest of us! 

Selfie! I look like popeye. Lol. 

The water was nice (in some areas). 

I was at the front most of the time. The water was really calming. 

Hey look! The trees aren't dead!

Aubree and my mom love this picture! Panoramic photos are great!

Kris is being silly. So is Laney... Sticking her tongue out. Lol. 

There were lots of cool birds!

Speaking of which... Here is a bald eagle. 

There's one of our guides. 

A nice mansion by the golf course area. 

Aubree and I had a blast! It was great! It was a bit tiring, and I got sunburned. Lol. 

I hope you all enjoyed this post. 

Talk to you all soon! God bless!

Sincerely. Your dear friend,

Cristian Mendoza